Celebrating More Than 140 Stories of Late-Blooming Success
Here’s a complete index of articles, biographies, and book reviews in the Later Bloomer archives. I hope it’ll help convince you that it’s truly never too late to create!
Although many of these athletes started early and kept moving, others embraced athleticism in their 40s and beyond. To quote a Chinese proverb, “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.”
Here’s a complete index of articles, biographies, and book reviews in the Later Bloomer archives. I hope it’ll help convince you that it’s truly never too late to create!
At age 95, Olga Kotelko held more than 30 Masters track records and had won more than 750 gold medals in her age category. And she didn’t start until age 77!
By the time most of us reach age 50, we assume our athletic glory days are over. Not so! Here are five books that prove you can enjoy a surprising level of fitness in your fifties and well beyond.
“I could have gone faster but I didn’t want to. I’m not playing at being a champion.” A 100-year-old cyclist and two nonagenarian yoginis define what really matters.
Twelve people who found their inner athlete after age 50, including a boxer, a kayaker, marathoners, bodybuilders, and yoginis (oh my!).
Need inspiration to get off the couch? Guinness World Book just named Gladys Burrill, age 92, the Oldest Female Marathon Finisher.
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