Lilian Jackson Braun: A Late-Blooming Author and Her Fabulous Feline Detective
Lilian Jackson Braun published her first “A Cat Who…” mystery at 53. Publishers rejected her fourth installment because it lacked sex and violence. But she prevailed!
J.K. Rowling observed, “There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.” Perhaps that’s why writers constitute Later Bloomer’s largest category. Our books and stories can become healing gifts to ourselves and to the future.
Lilian Jackson Braun published her first “A Cat Who…” mystery at 53. Publishers rejected her fourth installment because it lacked sex and violence. But she prevailed!
Erma Bombeck’s humor column didn’t launch until she was almost 40. It ran for more than 30 years, appeared in 900 papers, and made her a household name.
Links to fourteen classic books by late-blooming writers, including Jules Verne, Bram Stoker, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Joseph Conrad, Edith Wharton and more!
Madeleine L’Engle was over 40 when she wrote her beloved children’s book. A Wrinkle in Time. Twenty-six publishers rejected it, so she put it in a drawer. Why did they find it so difficult?
Saloma Furlong’s parents wouldn’t let her attend high school and no one prosecuted them. How is that possible in a country with compulsory education laws?
When all seemed lost, author Anne R. Allen landed a publishing contract that included digs in an old mill near Sherwood Forest! But it turned out less than legendary…
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