late bloomer, n.
1. An adult whose talent or genius in a particular field only appears later in life than is normal—in some cases only in old age. [Wikipedia]
2. A person who doesn’t give a pomegranate about what’s normal and blooms in their own time; see [Debra Eve]

Ernestine Shepherd became a professional bodybuilder at 71
Welcome to Later Bloomer
A Captivating Archive of Lives Well-Lived

Fourteen Fascinating Legal Late Bloomers
What do John Cleese and Hoagy Carmichael have in common? Read about fourteen creative folks who detoured to law school first.

How The F-Bomb Changed David Seidler’s Destiny
For fifty years, Seidler wanted to tell the story of fellow stutterer King George VI. A cancer diagnosis finally motivated him to do it. He beat cancer and won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay at age 74.

Randy Cooper Sculpts Chocolate And Sea Cows
Randy Cooper took his first sculpture class in his 40s and knew he’d found his life’s work. Since then, he’s become famous for his wire mesh creations, which include a chocolate dress and yes, a sea cow!

What Nanowrimo Taught Me
I thought I’d learned all about writing from books and gurus. But I never really did the thing before Nanowrimo.

Fittest After 50: Get Off The Treadmill
Where I explore why most people get fatter as they get older and the real secret to losing weight.

Is It Time To Downsize Your Bucket List?
A real Bucket List celebrates living and dying with purpose. We downplay the dying part, but that’s where we should start.
Later Bloomer is currently on hiatus. Please enjoy the archives!
There is nothing in the caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.
—Buckminster Fuller,
who patented the Geodesic Dome at age 50